
ITUC Petition to the ILO

An International Labour Organization for the 21st Century!​

10/05/2019 12:00 am

An International Labour Organization for the 21st Century!​

The current model of globalisation puts profit ahead of people. The flawed rules of the global economy see working people take home an ever-smaller share of the wealth they create while corporations are allowed to extract, exploit and undermine. These rules are human-made and we can change them. It’s time for a New Social Contract between workers, government and business.

In June 2019, governments, workers and employers are coming together for a historic meeting to negotiate the International Labour Organization’s Centennial Declaration. This is a once in a generation opportunity to let us fix the global economy and get it working for people.

What do we want:

·         Rights for all workers, whatever employment arrangements they have.

·         Fairer wages, including minimum wages on which people can live a decent life.

·         More control for people over their working time and more oversight over their bosses to make sure they can’t discriminate or evade responsibilities.

·         Building justice into the climate and technology transition.

Some bosses would rather continue with business as usual. If we raise our voices together, we can make them and governments listen.

Tell the ILO we need a New Social Contract that guarantees a fair deal for all working people.

ITUC petition to the ILO is available through this link “

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