
Report of Launch Conference – Social Dialogue

Report of EAEO/EATUC launch conference on Joint Social Dialogue Project (2015-2018) 8th and 9th of February 2016 Mount Meru hotel in Arusha Tanzania


The East African Employers Organization (EAEO), The East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC), in collaboration with their international partners namely the 2 Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and the LO/FTF Council organized a two day Conference Launch of the Joint three year Social Dialogue Project (2015-2018) which took place on 8th – 9th February 2016 at Mount Meru Hotel Arusha Tanzania

The overall objective of the Conference was to launch the EAEO/EATUC Joint Social Dialogue Project including the signing of the memorandum of understanding between East African Employers Organization (EAEO), East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC), DI and LO-FTF Council.

The Conference was attended by EATUC Chairman Bro.Francis Atwoli, Chairperson of EAEO Madam Rosemary SSenabulya , Secretary Generals from all six EATUC affiliates, CEOs from all six Employers Organizations and National Project Coordinators from Employers Organizations and Trade Unions namely; COSYBU & AEB (Burundi), COTU & FKE (Kenya), CESTRAR & PSF (Rwanda) TUCTA & ATE (Tanzania), NOTU & FUE (Uganda) and ZATUC & ZANEMA (Zanzibar), Representatives from cooperating partners, LO/FTF Council, DI, APAK, ILO and EAC. More than forty participants attended the Conference.

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