
Technical Planning meeting for EATUC 2015 Tax Justice Campaign

EATUC in partnership with LO-Norway organized the technical planning meeting for EATUC 2015 Tax Justice Campaign which took place on 4th to 5th November 2014, Tansoma Hotel in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

<== Click to Download: 04/11/2014

According to statistics, African economies have in just three decades lost between $597 billion and $1.4 trillion in illicit financial flows

Analysts have noted that the rampant illicit financial flows were paying a heavy toll in draining and crippling of the African economies.Every single dollar that leaves the region and continent is a dollar lost to investment opportunities in education, agriculture, health and in extending social protection floors to East African Community citizens

EATUC has been involved in different initiatives on Tax Justice across the continent and beyond. Discussions on Illicit Financial Flows in Africa are matters that the trade unions in Africa have been following keenly, with recent reports of hiding in plain sight where three EAC countries were highlighted showcasing billions being lost in Illicit Financial Flows annually in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

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